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I skipped the country when Obama was still a candidate...

Started by Administrator, Nov 04, 2023, 11:52 AM

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I did not vote the first time Obama was elected. I had already uncovered the Weather Underground/Earth First/PeTA/Nestle Purina/Monsanto/Chinese Labs/ Billy Ayers ties before 2007, and with Clinton/Globalist fundraising and resources... I expected it to get a lot worse, a lot faster. I did not vote. I went to Canada, then Mexico. I came back to the U.S.A. in less than a year, after the stint in Mexico... Canada is not free. Mexico is no better. The destruction of this country IS Obama's legacy... but they started planning this in the early 1970's. They had to infiltrate education, meteorology, medicine; they had to buy or compromise enough Republicans, and they had to completely control the media narrative. Not to mention the liberalization of enough of the courts. Courts that no longer believe the Constitution is absolute, that are now running out of control. It took them a long time. The ONLY thing that slowed them down was Donald J Trump. That's why they are still attacking him. Brazenly, and unconstitutionally. Obama has trained tens of thousands of well-educated RADICALS, many in high positions, who are working to destroy all of us. Over half of the PATRIOTS are now getting their news and battle plans FROM THEM. It's a LOT worse than anyone knows. When I say: MAGA or ROT! I truly mean it.



Oct 26, 2023, 10:30 AM Administrator says: @watsonpatriot

Oct 04, 2023, 10:25 AM Administrator says: FUCK JOE BIDEN!

Oct 04, 2023, 10:25 AM Administrator says: CLOSE THE BORDER!

Oct 04, 2023, 10:24 AM Administrator says: BUILD THE WALL!

Oct 04, 2023, 10:24 AM Administrator says: MAGA!

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